Thursday, July 1, 2010

हावाको झोक्का

हावाको झोक्का

निलो आकाश सबै स्वोच्छ सबै निस्चल छर्लङ्ग
तर एक हावा को झोक्काले कालो बादल थमाइदियो आकाश छेक्न
अर्को टुक्रा बादल आयो आकाश नै छेक्न
अब फेरी हुरी घन घोर - बादल जुधाउन
घन घोर बर्षा कस्ले थाम्ने, स्वयम आकाशले पनि सक्दैन
छाता मुनी बसेर बर्षा नदेखेको नाटक
तर सब देखेकै छ, जिउ नभिजेनी मन त भिजेकै छ
चिप्लेर लडुला की भन्ने दर अब उत्पन्न भयो
निलो आकाश तड्कारो घाम कस्लाई लाग्थ्यो चिप्लुला भन्ने दर
तर आज प्रत्यक पाइलामा लर्खराइरहेछन खुट्टा हरु
अब बादल बोडार्ने कुचो बनाउनु छ
हैन भने अर्को एउटा हावाको झोक्का कुर्नु छ
जस्ले बादल लाई उडाएर लगोस
तर कास पानि नै नपरेको भए
तर फेरी बादल नै नलागेको भए
बादल evaporation ले बनेको हो
तर के भो बादलले पानी त condensationले पारेको हो
तर दोष न evaporation को हो न condensation को
न त यो हावाको झोक्कको
की दोष आकाशको जस्ले आफ्नो रूप बिगारछ भन्ने थाहा हुँदा हुँदै
कालो बादल राख्यो अनुहारमा पोतेर
की त दोश धर्तीको पानी पर्ना साथ चिप्लो भको भएर
तर मात्र एक हावाको झोक्काको देरी हो फेरी घाम लाग्ने छ
सब सुकीजानेछ
तर कहिले आउछ त्यो हावाको झोक्का
EvaporationCondensation लाई गाली नगरौ मात्र
आकाश र धर्ती लाई दोष नथोपरौ
एक्पटक् सोचौ
तिमी सम्हालिएर हिड त
हात मा हात दिएर
कसरी लड्छौ?
जती सुकै पानी परे पनि के?
मात्र छाता प्वाल पर्न नदेउ अरु केही हुँदैन
निमोनिया त हुँदै हुँदैन
किन कि छाती त भिजेकै छैन
मात्र बाटो हिलो भएको न हो
ज्वोरो सम्मा आउला कि, तर कसरी
टाउको मा त एक छिट्टै पानी परेको छैन
पाइन्ट हिलो भयो कि?
छैन किन कि पहिले नै हिलो प्रूफ बनाएर लगाको हो
त्यसैले शिर ठाडो गरेर सामना गर त्यो हावाको झोक्का को।

Sunday, June 27, 2010

साले जिन्दगी

बोलु भने बोल्न दिदैन , हासु भने हास्न  दिदैन , खुशी साथ् बाच्न पनि दिदैन साले जिन्दगि ;
सबै हासी खुशी रमाइरहेछन्  , म त पागल भै नाचू भन्दा नाच्न पनि दिदैन साले जिन्दगि

मेरो त दिलै प्वाल परेको छ सब ले मेरो जिन्दगि चिहाए हुन्छ ,
भो अब त प्रदर्शन गर्दिन , टालीदिन्छु दुख का भ्वांग भन्दा टाल्न पनि दिदैन साले जिन्दगि ;
सबै हासी खुशी रमाइरहेछन् , म त पागल भै नाचू भन्दा नाच्न पनि दिदैन साले जिन्दगि

के गर्नु बचेर सबै को छिछि र बिचरा मात्र सुनेर ,
सबै को दया को पोको कन्टेनर मा हाल्दिन्छु भन्दा हाल्न पनि दिदैन साले जिन्दगि ,
सबै हासी खुशी रमाइरहेछन् , म त पागल भै नाचू भन्दा नाच्न पनि दिदैन साले जिन्दगि

अरु त अरु आफ्नै प्रियसी त अर्कै संग पोइल गइ ,
छोड अब त म पनि भाग्छु म बाट भन्दा भाग्न पनि दिदैन साले जिन्दगि ;
सबै हासी खुशी रमाइरहेछन्, म त पागल भै नाचू भन्दा नाच्न पनि दिदैन साले जिन्दगि

बोलु भने बोल्न दिदैन , हासु भने हास्न दिदैन , खुशी साथ् बाच्न पनि दिदैन साले जिन्दगि ;
सबै हासी खुशी रमाइरहेछन् , म त पागल भै नाचू भन्दा नाच्न पनि दिदैन साले जिन्दगि

Saturday, June 26, 2010

तँ त खतरा कलाकार रैछस् नि भगवान । - अर्थ न बर्थ गोविन्द गाई

उसै आखा क्षितिज तिर घुमाउदिन । सानैमा कबिता पढ्या थे," ज्ञानी गुनी ब्यक्ती निहुरन्छ निरन्तर, फलेको बृक्ष्य को हांगो नझुकेको कहाँ छ र ।"खुबै ज्ञानी बन्न मन लाग्थ्यो उ बेला, मुन्टो जबर्जस्ती निहुराएर हिंड्न लगे, बिस्तारै बानी लाग्यो; अहिले त हड्ढी बाङ्गियो, मुन्टो जहिले तल को तलै!  झनै आज भोली खै के को के को गर्हुँगो बोझ ले थिचेझै लाग्छ, टाउको खसै उठाउँन्न । टाउको उठाउने कि त दार्ही काट्न कि त हाइट नाप्न ।पहिले पहिले केटी हेर्न नि उठाइन्थ्यो, आजभोलि बुडो भैएछ क्यर, उति रहर लाग्दैन ।
आज कता बाट आखा उठाको, स्तब्ध भए । बडो आकर्शक दृश्य मा गएर आँखा, मन रोकियो । आकाश को कान्व्यास बादल को रंगले पोतेको ! चन्द्रमा ले नि lighting मा masters नै गर्यारैछ क्यार, कस्तो मज्जा ले angle मिलाएर लाईटिङ  गरेछ ।
शब्द ले त्यो भाब पोख्नै सक्दैन, भार मात्र थप्छ, तर आज सम्म उति ध्यान नदिएर होला, मैले प्रथम पटक यस्तो दृश्य देख्दै थिए ।मान्छे ले आकाशमा के राम्रो देख्दा रैछन र साहित्यकरहरु त्यस्तो बखान गर्छन् भने जस्तो लाग्थ्यो, आज त आफै मन्मोहित ।छेवै मा प्रेमिका भैदेको भए देखाउथे ऊनी लाई , म्वाइ खाने मौका नि पाइन्थ्यो होला:) । धेरै रोमान्टिक सोच अघी नबढाउदै मन थामिहाले, नभा प्रेमिका कता बाट ल्याउनु । कसैलाई देखाउन त पाइन तर मन सार्है हर्शित थ्यो, चित्र कोर्न आउने भए कोर्थें ।
बुढालाई मोडर्न आर्ट गर्ने मूड चलेछ आज, मन मनै सोचे । पहिलो पटक आज मलाई मोडेर्न आर्टको पनि भाब हुदो रैछ, ओइसै बनको होईन रैछ जस्तो लाग्यो ।
एकै छिन घोरिए पछी सोचे यो साला भगवानलाई मोडर्न आर्ट नि गर्न आउदो रैछ है के सार्हो talented हो । अनि फेरी सोचे भगवान त महान कलाकार हो नि, script लेख्ने, action दृश्य, stunt गर्ने देखी मोडेर्न आर्ट सम्म भ्याइदिने । script मात्र कती थरी लेख्न आउने! कती धेरै "कहाँनी मे twist सोच्न सक्दा रैचन् बुडा ले ।
भोली मनब अधिकार बादी भनौदाले भगवानलाई " बुडा " भन्यो " बुडी " पनि त हुन सक्छ नि , लैंगिक् असमानता गर्यो भनेर मुद्दा हाल्नु भन्दा अगाडी नै खूलाई हालौ, मैले महिला लाई कम्जोर भन्या हैन , भगवान भन्ने बित्तिकै म दार्ही लामो भको लौरो टेक्ने बुडा देख्छु, केटी ले नि दार्ही पाल्दा रैचन मास्तिरा भने मलाई थाहा छैन । मेरो कलिलो मस्तिस्क मा भएको अर्को भगवान को फोटो भनेको बाघ को छाला मात्र कम्मरमा बेरेको image छ । म भगवानले (केटी  भए) topless modelling गर्छन् भन्ने कुरा उति मन्दिन! माथि न cybersansar न  साप्ताहिक ।
यसो घोर्ले, फेरी भगवानको कलाकरिता सोच्दै । निखिल उप्रेती ले नै सिकाको रैछ कि क्या हो stunt पनि क्या खतरा दिने त ल, पुरै बिस्वो  नै हल्लिने गरी ।अस्ती भर्कर Chile मा हाम फालेछन ।
कुन चै फिलिम को लागि हो कुन्नी अस्ती मत्तितेल मुख मा हालेर आगो फुक्ने stunt गरेचन्, पुरै आकश खरानीले ढ्याम्मै । Iceland मा  पिलेन  नै उडेन ।यूरोप भरी उडेन  क्यार।
रुन त यस्तो कडा रुन्छ यो भगवान, कृष्ण भिर त आसु ले ख्वात्तै । अब यत्रो कलाकारइता गर्ने celebrity पर्यो , अज भोली पैसाले मातेछ  क्यार, cocaine धेर खाएर shooting spot म ढिलो ढिलो आउछ । Summer shooting मा हिउ पार्छ, winter shooting ma  टन्टलापुर घाम। अलि रिसाको नि छ रे, गिरिजा लाई उता पठाइदियो रे भनेर, गएर भगवान को कुर्सी मा बसेको छोड्दै छोडेन रे गिरिजा ले । संबिधान सभा बनाएर नयाँ संबिधान ल्याउछु भन्छ रे, प्रचन्डेलाई नि छिट्टै लान्छु भन्थ्यो रे संबिधान सभा लम्ब्याउन ।
अस्ती रिसाएछ, मान्छे चै पिलेन लाम्बोर्घिनी चद्ने मलाई चै चरा , मुसा ? एउटा प्लेनको पाङ्रा नै अड्काइदेछ  २०० जना च्वाट। आज फेरी एउटा प्लेन उठाएर घोप्ताइदेछ १५० जना स्वाह  । नपत्याको ? रज्निकान्तले ambassador उठाउँन सक्छ भगवानले प्लेन उठाउँन सक्दैन ? का  त्यो TamilNadu को superstar का यो पुरा Universe को ।
जुन लजाइ । मुसुक्क :) हाँस्दैछ ।अगी  बादल ओढेर बसेकी थि, हावा ले उढाएछ । कती हेरिरा जा भित्र, लाज नभाको! भन्दैछ । लौ त जानै पर्‍यो नि फेरी भागवन हिरो रिसयो भने  त, उस्को main  हिरोईन लाई side हान्यो भनेर । अब गएर सुत्नु पर्‍यो । तर माने भगवान तलाई, तँ  खतरा कलाकार रैछस्, मोडेर्न आर्ट गर्ने!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Where will the sun rise from tomorrow?

All dusks are followed by dawns; a brighter day always comes overcoming the darkness. The lock always comes with a key, so does a problem. So many times we try to solve the problem by killing the symptoms without even trying to reach to the root of the problem and may give up easily, saying the problem cannot be solved. However, a problem well understood is half-solved; hence it is most important to understand the problem at first. But we must remember, “Problems cannot be solved with the same thinking that created them.” So, what is the problem that Nepal is currently facing, if we have one at all? If a dawn is to follow this long-living darkness which direction will the sun rise from “Where shall I fix my eyes to be able to see the light?”

You do not need to workout your brain hard to realize something is wrong with the way we are living at the moment. And you do not need to be a politician or an active social worker to get to know that people are not happy with what they have, neither the millionaires nor the scholars and definitely not the poor ones. Everyone, from a five-year-young kid to a ninety-five year old gentle man senses there is a problem with the system and all the media are selling just that ; negativity. If everyone senses an underlying trouble in the country, what is it? If you ask hundred people, you will get hundred and ten different answers and surprisingly none of them matches to your perceived problem. So, what does this mean?

It means, either there is no problem, what we are thinking is just an essence of negativity and frustration we are surrounded by, or it means that we are not talking problems, we are talking symptoms.

It is only obvious that we find ourselves a decade or two behind the world in economic, technological and infrastructural terms, as we have just come out of a decade long war in the country. Wait! Have we come out of it, yet? But does that mean we are wrong in all the things that we do? Is our culture, religion, lifestyle, education system, investment policy, banking system, parenting all wrong? Or is it that only political instability is the cause for everything? Or is it nothing but just our attitude that needs to be changed? With my experience, knowledge and intelligence, I cannot point out problems in other things; nevertheless our attitude problem is clearly visible to me. No system is perfect, every system has loopholes, and all the systems are being continually improved, the important thing is to make people feel that they are heading the right direction and their future is better than what is now, and that is exactly where our leaders and scholars are lacking to communicate to the mass.

Although history may not always be a good predictor of future, the easiest reference point always is history. If we look at the history of the developed and highly developing countries, two kinds of people stand out: Effective Leaders and Visionary Entrepreneurs.

We cannot rule out the contribution of JFK, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Clinton towards the development of United States, but it was not merely their efforts that have made US the richest and strongest country in the world. It would not have been possible without Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Alexander Fleming, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Graham Bell, Mark Zuckerberg, Ray Kroc, Warren Buffet, Walt Disney and many more such enthusiastic people: Entrepreneurs. As all other are busy talking and complaining about systems, entrepreneurs are changing systems, creating systems and changing the whole world. A quick reminder though, US is neither the happiest country nor the country with the most entrepreneurs.US is a country whose citizens understand business very well and are so good at communicating things that they really make the world want what they have. Are they really the best? I leave that to you.

Today, the world is singing only two songs, one about the US as usual and the other about BRIC economy. Brazil, Russia, India and China stand head to head to grab the opportunity to become the superpower of the world very soon. And as it seems China has left the other three far behind. China’s economy is growing at a rate no one would have ever anticipated. Everyone was busy complaining about communism, and while all others spent their energy and intellect to become a capitalistic country seeing the US, China proved to everyone it’s not what system is, its what system does that matters. So here we are observing two very completely different countries in terms of everything competing for the superpower position. That would be enough to justify my point that system doesn’t really matter. So what’s fuelling China’s ballistic economic growth?

The answer is quite simple: Entrepreneurship. There’s hardly any city in the world today that does not have a China Town. And there’s hardly any product that China does not manufacture. From the cheapest toys we buy to the tallest building of the world, it’s all in China. As it is supposed to be in communism, we do not hear about many multi - billionaires from China, however there are individuals who have contributed to the economic growth in a significant manner. I personally feel its not long before we see Baidu in place of Google and YouKU taking over YouTube. We are seeing a rapid growth of sales of Chinese Automobiles world wide, we may not have to wait long to say “No, this is not German, it’s awesome and it’s Chinese. There may not be another “Beijing Olympics” for years to come; we will have to see how the Rio De’ World Cup will be by the way.

No matter how much we pretend to hate our other neighbour, its not bringing down their remarkable economic growth rate. Indians were always good with business, now they have learnt to add Luxury to it. Indian goods are no more ugly looking and cheap and strong. Land Rover’s Indian now.

Two out of five world’s richest man are Indians. Bollywood’s everywhere. Indians are on moon now. Look at the Fortune 500 companies CEO’s list and at least a third of them will be Indians. It’s not just Ambanis, Tatas, Mittals and Birlas now. Today it Narayana Murthy, Azim Premji, Subruto Bagchi, Vijay Mallya, Dabba wala and numerous small company owners who are joining their hands together in uplifting the country’s economy.

Of course Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has a role to play in this breathtaking growth of India. He is a gold medalist of economics and has served as a teacher, so he clearly knows when and how to speak, N-deal is an example. More than Manmohan Singh my respect goes to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam though. He came as an angel to India, an angel that we desperately need in Nepal at the moment. Along with all other things, it was Kalam’s mind-boggling speech that helped India integrate and march towards the brighter path. I wish all Nepalese read that speech and take it in case of Nepal. 

Living between the two fastest growing economies of the world, we may not be yam between two stones any more, we can consider ourselves, yam with extravagant nutrition from both sides, we can grow, Grow Big! There are a number of books written about what should be done and what can be achieved, and countless number of development reports written by the ‘Elite INGO Class’ of Nepal based on what they see from the tainted glasses of their Land Cruiser. Although these reports and books may hold some value, they have a basic problem, they are seen from tainted glasses. The real stories can only be obtained when we breathe the same air as those 25 %  of Nepali people living under the line of poverty breathe.
To empathize poor people, do we also have to be poor? Or can poor people be made rich by sharing the capital acquired by few rich people of Nepal. Exactly as Maoists are pointing out at this moment, can Sharing economy long last? Can sharing economy even exist? Is it scientific to say that we will distribute the property equally to all, from those people who worked hard all their life and acquired some property to those who sold what they had to fulfill their daily alcohol needs. Alright, then from today even I will stop working and spend all my day in a Bhatti  criticizing all the hardworking citizens and when I get bankrupt, obviously government will give me a share of money from the people who are working hard. From basic common sense, this does not work and it will never take us where we want to be.
Although we can point out a number of flaws and faults in our economic policy to political instability to education system, there is a basic fault in of us. It is not just the government that is incapable, the private sector too must be held accountable for what we are seeing today. So, where do we start from? When we see nothing is right, where should the corrective measures first be applied? Every ten years we have a revolution. We have tried out all the political systems available from autocracy to Democracy, every time a large number of promises were made but hardly any of them are implemented. So are we already out of League?
Can nothing be done now to make our and our future generations’ future brighter? Where do we start?
In my opinion, we have to start right from the basics. If we get the basics right, results are bound to happen, though it may take longer than anticipated. We have to stop daydreaming and stop imagining Nepal being Switzerland in a months’ time. Even though it sounds very encouraging, Nepal cannot be Switzerland in a month, it is obvious. All the general public must understand the fact that development is not just being like Switzerland or Japan or America. Development is making all the people of the country prosperous and making them able to live a standard life utilizing the resources we have. Skyscrapers and Flyovers are not the only measures of development, and it is not the only way to go.
Nepal will remain quintessentially Nepal.  And what we must work for is to make Nepal a better place to live. Stop dreaming about Nepal being Switzerland. And as we modern Nepalese  ( sahariya pakhe is what I would like to call us) are movie fanatics we tend to believe a Superhero will come some day, make this place better for us to live and disappear. This is never going to happen. All of us have to awaken the superhero inside us that is the only way to go. Surprisingly some of the economists of Nepal believe that remittance is the way to go. These economists predict that if 50% more people go abroad for foreign employment than at present (800 Nepalese per day go for foreign employment at present) the economic condition of Nepal will start to improve radically. May be they are true, they ought to be, they are the specialists, but what they are forgetting is foreign employment is not just about money and economy. Money is only a part of living; those who go for foreign employment also have equal right to share their life with their family. Economists believe the underprivileged were destined to live a void life, working hard, saving each penny to send back home to the family members who they have not met for 10 years now. What the economist tend to forget is the human part involved with going abroad for a job. Also, they should not forget they are getting paid for their analysis from that remittance money. And other critical part is the effect foreign employment is having on our culture and attitude. Every youth believes he can do anything unethical or illegal while in country, because they are sure this country holds nothing for them and they will go to other land one day. This is bringing a catastrophic J gare ni huncha attitude to our country. We are losing our self-respect and have forgotten to respect others.
It always intrigues me, how people can be so proud to say Nepal is the second largest labor supplier of the world, it is actually pointing out hope bad a situation we are in.
I can see only one way out for Nepal. For the people by the people. The project and donation mentality has long survived in the country and it is not very difficult to say, they were not successful as pointed out by Sujeev Shakya in his book, Unleash Nepal. The INGO’s have made 20 or may be 50 people rich, only those working with them and not the targeted 20 million who were supposed to be benefited by them. And it will be a blunder from our side to still wait and say government will come up wit something to make our lives better. We have waited enough. It is our turn now to act and the starting point is Entrepreneurship. Only entrepreneurship has the power to revolutionize the economy and provide employment to the mass. Although economist would like to see 1600 people go for foreign employment per day to existing 800, I would like to believe that we can grow our economy only if we can reduce the number to 400 and further.
The Basics!!! What are the basics then?
1.     Respect:
Respect for work. Respect for seniors. Respect for parents. Respect for country. Respect for society. Respect for system. Respect for law.Respect for Employee. Respect for Employers. Respect for yourself,  SELF-RESPECT.
It is lost somewhere. Nobody respects anyone here. The basic society cannot exist without respect for other beings. After witnessing 3 or 4 revolutions in their lifetime the 2000 B.S. generation today believes anything is possible in our country, and it is more important to find ways to topple power than respect powerful. As it is always seen it is always the foemen that have progressed and not the loyal ones. This has injected a sense of resistance in them. They have respect for nothing and no one in this country.
The younger generation lacks it even more. Believing all they need and dream is in America and not in Nepal, they have lost the respect for country. They see all (seniors or of their age) people working in Nepal as incapable. If they were capable and had little common sense they would not be working here leaving the colorful life US proposes. So they see their teachers, parents and seniors as incapable people who could not make it to other countries, and hence comes the disrespect.
We have a longstanding culture of disrespecting our work. We tend to let our frustration out by hating and criticizing our boss, work and office. From mela to modern corporate offices, people spend most of their time criticizing about others. In the process they start hating their work, surrounding and eventually their life. All they do after that is dream ‘I should have been in another country, I hate it over here.’ Although hating our job is popular culture worldwide, other people think in the line of getting new jobs where they will be satisfied, the better ones always come up with an idea of creating their own job. The last thing they would want to do is go to an unknown country and do the same boring job. But it’s different with us, we are made to believe things are much better in other countries; you will be more satisfied being a waiter in US than a doctor in our own country, which is not very true. So as a result of hatred and frustration, what happens is lack of Self-esteem and people start disrespecting themselves, there is no Self-Respect. They have it set in their sub-conscious, I am in Nepal and I am useless. All they do is look at their “clever” friends’ pictures in various social networking website and think ‘What would have been” had they made the decision earlier. Although picture speaks thousand words, those in these social networking sites actually deceive people, they never speak the truth.
Respect is totally lacking in our business world too. There is no ethical respect for the competitors; people go out of their league to get a chance to disrespect heir competitors. Businesses in Nepal are yet to realize ‘Right’ people are the greatest asset they have. How can one live with a salary of mere NRs. 2500 in Kathmandu in today’s inflated economic environment, yet  that is what company pay to their workers. And if you think this is only happening to the lower level labors, which is obvious, you need to think again, an engineer today gets a salary as low as 3000 per month. An MBA is offered Rs. 12,000 per month! It is not acceptable by any means. If the payback period of my Engineering degree is 10 years, why should I study? Better the parents buy a piece of land for their child, he can sell it after 5 years and can easily survive for next 10 years drinking heavily; he is not expected to live much longer with the kind of lifestyle anyways.
Most of the businesses’ motto is to get rich quickly. In fact we still believe Business is about discovering a way to cheat others and get rich quickly, this definition has to change and change quickly. No business wants to fulfill their societal responsibilities, except some breweries sponsoring a youth event and thinking they are doing a great job. Breweries sponsoring youth event, isn’t that a good combination? That is why youths think that only industries existing in Nepal are tobacco and breweries and all Nepalese people do is get drunk and Talk Big.
Hence, I believe Respect is a good starting point. From today start respecting everyone and everything you have got in life, life will prosper well; Respect Life. Most of all, Respect Yourself!

2.     Discipline:
Another important lesson we have learnt from all the wars we have had and mostly from our leaders is Indiscipline. Somehow we, disciples of Buddha, have always associated Ignorance and Indiscipline with bliss. The more disciplined you are more boring and hectic is life. Take it easy. Right? Wrong. Indiscipline and Ignorance only lead to Oblivion, something we have been so used to. We Nepali people forget thins easily and quickly. I can quote a thousand examples from Royal Massacre, Lauda scandal, 5 year plans to our dreams. Recent one is Constituent Assembly. Everyone panicked as if world was going to tumble the next day on Jestha 14th 2067. People brought out rallies and protests demanding constitution must be made by Jestha 14th. We stuck our eyes on TV till 1 am at night curious to know what will happen. The deadline got postponed by a year and all of us went to sleep happily. One month has past till then and I do not see any Nagarik Samaj, Buddhijibis, media worried about the constitution. There’s no use of protesting now, it wont make it to the news, 11 months down the line again all these people will come up with well thought of and well prepared remarks about why constitution could not be made on time.
 Believe me, we won’t get Constitution next year too. When I say that, most of us would like to disagree, call me a pessimist and hope everything will be alright by then. We have already forgotten what happened in the last 2 years. Were we not hopeful when we fought to get Loktantra? But we would not like to think things will be same again, less we want to act to make it different. Hope and Forget is how we live!
When we  dream, we must also have the discipline to try and make it come true. Only if we worked as we do while in foreign nation for survival, at our own country, we do not need any theories or miracle to see our nation grow.

Monday, June 21, 2010

"Nepalese Americans" and "American Nepalis"

"Hey Dude, Whats up! Did u watch 'New moon'? what an awesome movie man!Really loved it!" Julesh typed speeding throughout the line.

"Oh sathi, k cha yar. Chaina tyo movie hereko ta but "Mero Euta Sathi cha" hernu man lageko thiyo, pako chaina, taile heris?"replied Sherchan.

"What??? Who will watch that crap dude.Whts wrong with you?"

"Naramro cha ra? Sabaile ramro cha bhanthe ta. Yaha ayepachi ta English movie bhanda Nepali movie nai hernu man lagdo raicha yar"

"U've gone out of ur mind"

"Chod, ani how was ur Dashain tihar?"

"Dashai, Tihar aayo gayo, khi na khi...Tika ko din ma dance party thyo Sheesha ma, tetai gaiyo tei ho. tero kasto bhayo ni?"

"Ekdam ramailo. Sathi haru milera pooja gariyo, jamara ni laiyo, khashi katiyo, was really fun. But ghar  ta miss bhaihalcha ni"

" Eh, I dnt know why u guys see so much fun in Dashai" "gtg" "Catch ya later" (Pakhe bhayecha US gayera ta jhan)

"La ta yar, take gud care"

May be a liitle dramatic, but this conversation depicts the essence of what I have been feeling since a long time now. It must have been difficult to know who is in US and who is in Nepal from this conversation ,  its Julesh who is in Nepal and Sherchan is in US.

Without beating around the Bush much now I will directly come to the point I want to bring out.

Is " Going to America" or "Being ignorant" living the "American Dream"?

Its been very easy for Nepalese teen agers to find their dreams, much easier than most of others in developed countries. Ask randomly to any youth,"what are you going to do in your life?" and the answer is straight and easy "Go abroad". They dont bother to think beyond that anymore. Life is as simple as going abroad and uploading photos of them driving a car to Facebook and Hi5 and getting comments from their friends in Nepal saying " Wah gadi chadne bhaisakis?". 

So then if you are going abroad as soon as you complete your Intermediate, what are you supposed to do during your high school? Simple!

Learn to live the foreign (american) lifestyle.

And how do americans live?

Haven't you seen english movies? They live life as ignorantly as possible.They dont care about anything.They simply ROCK.

Oh, ok then thats what we are supposed to do.ROCK! Lets do it then.

Lets start with a modified bike, a tore(grunge) pant and colored hair.

And thats exactly how you would see guys going around. Less they care about their future, family and even less they care about culture and college.All thats there in their To-Do List is to Rock and to live American Lifestyle.Its true with both who want to go abroad as well as those who cant go for some reason but aren't able to come out of that heavenly american dream.

I am not much of a patriotic myself, but then it really hurts to see that not even a single young guy wants to live a Nepali life in Nepal. That sometimes forces me to question myself, are you the only fool(pakhe) who fears about going abroad and wants to settle in Nepal? Even if the answer is Yes, it doesnt matter much to me, I will live here, but not so comfortably with wanna-be american fools hovering around me.

Colleges in Nepal ahave no motto anymore, their job is only to give their students a high school certificate which will help them to go abroad. None of the educational institution in Nepal have a vision to build the future Nepal through them. Then whats the use of having so many educational institutions? Isnt producing people who can build country's future tomorrow the only purpose of having institutions?

As I walk around the street and see guys loafing around talking big about English movies and 70's rock (no one else even listens to them now), I question myself again am I the only pakhe out here? I just wonder when will these guys start thinking about rocking their own show and stop banging their heads to those outdated negativity busters.  If life is just to copy american Lifestyle and dream is just to reach America, then I am sorry, I am pakhe and I cant change myself.But if Life is something bigger than reaching america and chasing your own dreams rather than americans' then my friends, I am sorry, but you are the ones who are being fortunate fools.

My point and thoughts only grow stronger whenever I get a chance to chat with my mates who are abroad and their unseen cry justifies my otherwise baseless thoughts. Nepalese in other countries are so affectionate to their own culture and country. Only when they leave their country do they realise the importance of own culture and own identity. So many Nepali cultural events around the world only makes the point stronger.

Those who didn't even bother to buy a cassette of Nepali singer while at home now pays to sponsor a concert of the artist in foreign land.Only when people reach America do they realise that even Americans are not Gods and how they live is just one of the lifestyles.Then they crawl back to find their own lifestyle and originality and realise that they have not been rocking but acting fools all this time.

So to those who haven't been to America may be there's a lesson to learn, Dont try to be Americans, that wont help much,rather try to be YOU yourself and you may find life a lot easier. And as per my understanding that is what is AMERICAN DREAM "To chase to become what you want and to live life King Size, in your own original way"

To all my fellow rockers:                             

P.S: I have used America as a substitute for all foreign countries and this article is not against anyone who is in America or is planning to go there.

Be Yourself!

I meet a lot of people everyday. I hear even more and I see countless. Everyone seems to be trying to tell me “Be like me”. May be its just my thoughts. But one thing is for sure everyone’s trying to attract others towards them and make them like the way they want to be.
America wants the whole world to be Americans and Muslims are furious that everyone does not think like them. My dad wants me to be just like him and my little bro assumes that I am like him as he tells his stories. My girlfriend wanted me to be like her ex-boyfriend which I couldn’t be and she left me. 

I would die if I shall agree to my intelligent friend who wants me to be earning big bucks like him; thank god there’s my fellow rocker, who enjoys my company for a while, without asking me to act like him, but after a while even he wants me to rock the world. My teacher asks me everyday to be like someone, meanwhile, trying to persuade me to be like him.
The advertisers want me to fit to their products and the retailers want me to fit to their size. My dog wants me to be his girlfriend. My son wants me to be his friend’s dad. I listen to songs on my playlist and everyone’s singing “Be like me”. 
I agree to some and act as they want me to be, sometimes to make them happy, and other times to make myself happy.
The only person with whom I argue and disagree to be as he wants is me. I mute myself most of the times. But then at times like these I realize “BE YOURSELF” and the world shall follow. It does not matter if they don’t; you shouldn’t really bother. That’s it “Be Yourself, everyone else fall back to their own place and its fun to play games when everyone’s seated at their own place.”

Friday, June 18, 2010

Getting out of the Circle: Round and Round and You know you are going Nowhere.

From nowhere to Now –Here.  Theres no difference, except only the attitude with which you perceive things and situations. You can always feel, you are going nowhere, so many times you must have felt that all your efforts are going in vain and get lost not knowing where you are headed.
There seems to be something wrong with your planning, or may be your plans are too good to become anything other than a plan. As exactly described by the pink Floyd song, you never seem to find the time to do the things that are most important to you. We always spend most of our energy and time in doing things that are most urgent to us and not important. In solving all the urgent stuffs we never actually get to think about the most important dreams and goals in our life and more often than not its too late before we realize, after all, we shouldn’t have sweated so much about the small stuff.

Do not Let the Demagogues be the Reason to Kill Your Youth.

First of all I was confused whether to post this topic as political or non-political, ya its about politics but the counter-effect goes far beyond just politics.
Nepali Yuva, Nepalese youth, where is it going?Whats the road ahead?
Whenever I open my facebook account and see 9 out of 10 posts would be, frustrated youth pouring out their frustration, is that how it is supposed to be?
Our youths talk as if they were 80 year olds, they seem so fed up of life and so frustrated in some foreign countries and all they do is post those depresing tag lines in FB and feel happy about it. I am not against people going abroad for education nor am I against their philosophies and understanding of life, but to me Youth is not supposed to be like that.Youths are supposed to be the energy package, for the country and for the world who has the energy and passion to chnage the world. Aren't we the young people the most victimised out of this political turmoil going on in our country?Yet we chose to keep quiet and surrender ourselves to the hands of demagogues.The whole world is talking about going to Mars, saving earth from Global warming and Globalisation and its after-effects but hami haru ajhai pani afno desh ko poilitical instability lai gali gardai basiraheka chau.We have got a bunch of super-talents in our country, anyone studying abroad would agree to this fact that we are as good and sometimes better than anyone else in the world, then why are we giving up and trying to satisfy ourselves with a gas station or Mcdonalds job?Are we worth only so much? Dont we have the potential to grow as someone who can make a significant contribution to the development of whole world, technically or otherwise? When will that day come when we realise that may be we are economically poor but not in terms of knowledge.We are not less than anyone else in the world, each one of us can be a Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jawed karim, Barack Obama in our own way, then why are we not trying to realise and utilise our potential?
Are Nepali youth only good at burning tyres, yelling slogans,throwing stones and being a waiter? Are we content with just drugs and American cars? When will we come out of our Hibernation? When will we add to the topics we as Nepali can feel proud of? Is it only Mount Everest, Gorkhali and Buddha that can be our identity, cant we add up something new to the list? How long will we be able to carry the fake pride of being one of the few countries that was never colonized, when we see our country being raped each single day in front of our eyes?
Isnt it high time we faced the reality and worked to change the face of our country? We have politicians who now want to take our country 100 years back to 24 and 22 states, dividing it according to caste and religion.What is the basis for that? And why are we just being a mock spectator in all this? Most surprising fact is that we Nepalese never realise that until and we come out of this poilitical rat race we cannot do well economically and educationally. We are quite happy hoping that someone someday will come and make our country like Switzerland.WTF.This really pisses me off.How can we still believe in those fairy tales and vote to those illeterate "good-for-nothing" people in the hope that in 10 years our country will be like Switzerland.
Who wants Nepal to be Switzerland?At least I dont.I want Nepal to remain quintessentially Nepal and I would love to have my own identity as a country and as a citizen. Being economically strong is not the only point here, and it is not as easy as saying in 10 Years I will make it like Japan, USA or Switzerland. Its a continuous improvement process and it takes time to grow economically and financially. But i dont mind even we are the poorest country in the world I can accept that.Theres nothing mighty about being rich but I want our people to be happy at what we are, accept the fact and face relaity and struggle to change it. How long will our youth go abroad, listen to all bullshits of other people and try to be happy being a slave.Dui chak bhat ra gundruk khana paye pani huncha, gadi chaidaina hiderai bitaula jindagi tara yo sab bakwas, binakam ko political lathalingata bata mukti chahiyo.Mera sabai sathi haru ma sangai Nepal ma hun kasai aru ko desh ma drugs khadai bhada majhdai nahun.Shanti ko desh hamro Npeal ma Shanti rahirahos, ra sabai nepali le afno dignity lai bachai rakhan paun yati ho chahana.
VISION,CONVICTION and PASSION we seriously lack that and esp. our politicians dont even know what it means.Its high time we youth started to realise our potential and start contributing for the betterment of oour country and ourselves.We dont need a Civil war,we dint have enough population and sufficient rifts to have a civil war, we are just a small country gifted by mother nature and our future generation will curse us if we cant preserve it for them.I think generations before us fared pretty well in maintaing their own self-respect,dignity and peace and we are the only ones who are trying to runaway and skip the reality.Where will you all go tomorrow if US and Australia stops giving Visa to Nepalese, again search another country overcrowd it with Nepales and their stupid Rowdism?I think if things go in such a pace backwards, that day is not faraway when we will see a long queue in front of Embassy of Ruwanda of Nepali people trying to get Labor visa for Ruwanda. If you donot want that to happen then we gotto change our attitude, not just say I am proud to be Nepali but live to it and do something for our own country and betterment of our own people.
Some of you may be thinking what crap am I speaking in this globalised environment, it doesnt matter if we go abroad, everyone does that, whats the big deal etc etc.Ya I understand pretty well that this is a globalised environment and it woulld be foolish to say people shouldnot go abroad,afno desh ma janmiyo afnai dehs ma marnu parcha, and all sentimental philosophies,this is not a literature. But then having said that is it worth that 90% of our youth aged between 17 and 35 stay abroad and only the kids and old ones stay back home bearing all the bullshit happening in the country?
I am not trying to lead a revolution nor am I trying to be a GYAN-GURU and teach u all.This is just a wake-up call to everyone of us.
So, STOP submitting frustrated posts and great philosophies in Facebook (including me) and START facing the reality and work to change it.Desh ko Muhar fernu cha hamile, rokna khojne lai hataera, pheri ujjyalo lyaunu cha Nepal ma BADAL haru fattyaera(or loadshedding hataera???hehe)...

दियो हौ यदी तिमी भने बल |

दियो हौ यदी तिमी भने बल |
बलेको दियो लाई यता उता घुमाएर बढी उज्यालो दिन वाध्य गराइन्छ | हावा को झोक्काले निभाउन खोजे हावा लाई थप्पड हान्दै दियो बाट टाढा भगाईन्छ | निभ्न फेरी आटे बल्न प्रेरणा दिदै घ्यु तेल थपिन्छ| बलेकै दियोको पूजा सबैले गर्छन्| बलेकै दियोले आरती उतार्छन अनी दियो बालेरै शुभ कार्य को कामना गर्छन्|दियो बलेनै सबैले दियो लाई एक्पटक हेर्छन , गर्ने ले नमस्कार गर्छन् नगर्ने ले पनि पोल्छ कि भन्ने डरैले मात्र भएपनी दियोलाई सम्मान गर्छन्| दियो ले मात्र एक्चोटि बल्न सक्नु पर्छ बाँकी उस्को सेवा अरु ले नै गर्छन्| बच्चा ले जिस्केर फुकेर ननिभाये बलेको दियो निभाउने कि त निठुरी हावा हुन्छ कि प्रसाद चढाको पुरी हुन्छ नत्र कसैले ईच्छा गर्दैनन र आट्दैनन पनि बलेको दियो निभाउन|
तर बल्दै नबलेको दियो घुमाएर कस्ले खोज्छ उज्यालो? कस्ले छेकिदिन्छ कठोर् हावा को झोक्का लाई, आएर सिधै बज्रिन्छ दियो माथि नै| कस्ले गर्छ नमस्कार; अनी न हुरी ले निभाउछ न पुरी ले किन कि उ बलेकै छैन | पोल्छ भन्ने डर पनि छैन अब त बचैले पनि तुरी गर्दिन्छ त्यस्मा अनी आईमाई को पनि चुरी बज्रिन्छ तेस्मै|
त्यसैले एक झिल्क भएर बल्न सिक बले पची निभ्छु भनेर न्आत्तिउ, बलेपछी निभ्न नदिने धेरै छन किन कि सबैलाई लोभ छ उज्यालोको तर यती स्वार्थी छन कि आँफै आएर बाल्दैनन|
त्यसैले बल | छिटो बल र चर्को बल |

Where will the sun rise from tomorrow?

All dusks are followed by dawns; a brighter day always comes overcoming the darkness. The lock always comes with a key, so does a problem. So many times we try to solve the problem by killing the symptoms without even trying to reach to the root of the problem and may give up easily, saying the problem cannot be solved. However, a problem well understood is half-solved; hence it is most important to understand the problem at first. But we must remember, “Problems cannot be solved with the same thinking that created them.” So, what is the problem that Nepal is currently facing, if we have one at all? If a dawn is to follow this long-living darkness which direction will the sun rise from “Where shall I fix my eyes to be able to see the light?”
You do not need to workout your brain hard to realize something is wrong with the way we are living at the moment. And you do not need to be a politician or an active social worker to get to know that people are not happy with what they have, neither the millionaires nor the scholars and definitely not the poor ones. Everyone, from a five-year-young kid to a ninety-five year old gentle man senses there is a problem with the system and all the media are selling just that ; negativity. If everyone senses an underlying trouble in the country, what is it? If you ask hundred people, you will get hundred and ten different answers and surprisingly none of them matches to your perceived problem. So, what does this mean?
It means, either there is no problem, what we are thinking is just an essence of negativity and frustration we are surrounded by, or it means that we are not talking problems, we are talking symptoms.
It is only obvious that we find ourselves a decade or two behind the world in economic, technological and infrastructural terms, as we have just come out of a decade long war in the country. Wait! Have we come out of it, yet? But does that mean we are wrong in all the things that we do? Is our culture, religion, lifestyle, education system, investment policy, banking system, parenting all wrong? Or is it that only political instability is the cause for everything? Or is it nothing but just our attitude that needs to be changed? With my experience, knowledge and intelligence, I cannot point out problems in other things; nevertheless our attitude problem is clearly visible to me. No system is perfect, every system has loopholes, and all the systems are being continually improved, the important thing is to make people feel that they are heading the right direction and their future is better than what is now, and that is exactly where our leaders and scholars are lacking to communicate to the mass.
Although history may not always be a good predictor of future, the easiest reference point always is history. If we look at the history of the developed and highly developing countries, two kinds of people stand out: Effective Leaders and Visionary Entrepreneurs.
We cannot rule out the contribution of JFK, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Clinton towards the development of United States, but it was not merely their efforts that have made US the richest and strongest country in the world. It would not have been possible without Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Alexander Fleming, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Graham Bell, Mark Zuckerberg, Ray Kroc, Warren Buffet, Walt Disney and many more such enthusiastic people: Entrepreneurs. As all other are busy talking and complaining about systems, entrepreneurs are changing systems, creating systems and changing the whole world. A quick reminder though, US is neither the happiest country nor the country with the most entrepreneurs.US is a country whose citizens understand business very well and are so good at communicating things that they really make the world want what they have. Are they really the best? I leave that to you.
Today, the world is singing only two songs, one about the US as usual and the other about BRIC economy. Brazil, Russia, India and China stand head to head to grab the opportunity to become the superpower of the world very soon. And as it seems China has left the other three far behind. China’s economy is growing at a rate no one would have ever anticipated. Everyone was busy complaining about communism, and while all others spent their energy and intellect to become a capitalistic country seeing the US, China proved to everyone it’s not what system is, its what system does that matters. So here we are observing two very completely different countries in terms of everything competing for the superpower position. That would be enough to justify my point that system doesn’t really matter. So what’s fuelling China’s ballistic economic growth?
The answer is quite simple: Entrepreneurship. There’s hardly any city in the world today that does not have a China Town. And there’s hardly any product that China does not manufacture. From the cheapest toys we buy to the tallest building of the world, it’s all in China. As it is supposed to be in communism, we do not hear about many multi - billionaires from China, however there are individuals who have contributed to the economic growth in a significant manner. I personally feel its not long before we see Baidu in place of Google and YouKU taking over YouTube. We are seeing a rapid growth of sales of Chinese Automobiles world wide, we may not have to wait long to say “No, this is not German, it’s awesome and it’s Chinese. There may not be another “Beijing Olympics” for years to come; we will have to see how the Rio De’ World Cup will be by the way.
No matter how much we pretend to hate our other neighbour, its not bringing down their remarkable economic growth rate. Indians were always good with business, now they have learnt to add Luxury to it. Indian goods are no more ugly looking and cheap and strong. Land Rover’s Indian now.
Two out of five world’s richest man are Indians. Bollywood’s everywhere. Indians are on moon now. Look at the Fortune 500 companies CEO’s list and at least a third of them will be Indians. It’s not just Ambanis, Tatas, Mittals and Birlas now. Today it Narayana Murthy, Azim Premji, Subruto Bagchi, Vijay Mallya, Dabba wala and numerous small company owners who are joining their hands together in uplifting the country’s economy.
Of course Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has a role to play in this breathtaking growth of India. He is a gold medalist of economics and has served as a teacher, so he clearly knows when and how to speak, N-deal is an example. More than Manmohan Singh my respect goes to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam though. He came as an angel to India, an angel that we desperately need in Nepal at the moment. Along with all other things, it was Kalam’s mind-boggling speech that helped India integrate and march towards the brighter path. I wish all Nepalese read that speech and take it in case of Nepal.